Stats Hooks



A HookMap, called when generating the specified stats item.

  • Type: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Object, any, StatsFactoryContext], undefined>>
  • Arguments:
    • Object: result stats item object which properties should be added.
    • Class: the original data of the stats item
    • StatsFactoryContext: generating context
type StatsFactoryContext = {
  type: string;
  makePathsRelative?: ((arg0: string) => string) | undefined;
  compilation?: Compilation | undefined;
  cachedGetErrors?: ((arg0: Compilation) => JsStatsError[]) | undefined;
  cachedGetWarnings?: ((arg0: Compilation) => JsStatsWarning[]) | undefined;

For the following example, the customProperty attribute is added in the finally generated stats.compilation through MyPlugin:

compilation.hooks.statsFactory.tap('MyPlugin', (statsFactory, options) => {
    .tap('MyPlugin', (object, compilation) => {
      object.customProperty = MyPlugin.getCustomValue(compilation);


A HookMap, called after generating the specified stats item.

  • Type: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[any[], StatsFactoryContext], undefined>>
  • Arguments:
    • any[]: generated stats item result
    • StatsFactoryContext: generating context



A HookMap, called

为一个 HookMap, called when generating the printed string of the specified stats item.

  • Type: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[{}, StatsPrinterContext], string>>
  • Arguments:
    • Object: stats item object
    • StatsPrinterContext: printing context
type StatsPrinterContext = {
  type?: string;
  compilation?: StatsCompilation;
  chunkGroup?: StatsChunkGroup;
  asset?: StatsAsset;
  module?: StatsModule;
  chunk?: StatsChunk;
  moduleReason?: StatsModuleReason;
  bold?: (str: string) => string;
  yellow?: (str: string) => string;
  red?: (str: string) => string;
  green?: (str: string) => string;
  magenta?: (str: string) => string;
  cyan?: (str: string) => string;
  formatFilename?: (file: string, oversize?: boolean) => string;
  formatModuleId?: (id: string) => string;
    | ((id: string, direction?: 'parent' | 'child' | 'sibling') => string)
    | undefined;
  formatSize?: (size: number) => string;
  formatDateTime?: (dateTime: number) => string;
  formatFlag?: (flag: string) => string;
  formatTime?: (time: number, boldQuantity?: boolean) => string;
  chunkGroupKind?: string;


A HookMap, called after generating the printed string of the specified stats item.

  • Type: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[{}, StatsPrinterContext], string>>
  • Arguments:
    • String: printed string of the stats item
    • StatsPrinterContext: printing context